So here's a story about
how unconscious stress can affect us...
Today on the way home from work, and to pick my daughter up from her play-date, I witnessed an accident. There was a pedestrian lying facedown in the intersection that I was approaching. I started honking my horn to warn the drivers in the right hand lane as I stopped at the red light. I got out of my car, just as other pedestrians were coming to his aid. I got out my phone and asked if anyone had dialed 911. They had, and since I was about to block traffic when the light turned, I got back in my car and went along. There were people enough at this point to help. I was pumping with adrenaline though.
By the time I got to my daughter's friend's house, I was calm, or so I thought. As soon as we got in the car, I thought my daughter seemed quiet, so I asked her "Are you okay?...did you guys have a fight?" "Did you guys get in trouble with her mom for something?"
My daughter's reply was "No mom, and why are you in 'Stress City'?" I asked her what she meant, and she told me that she can tell when I am stressed when I automatically think that there's always got to be something wrong. (She then proceeded to make up a little song about me, presumably moving to 'Stress City'...thank-you very much;p)
Wow! Here I thought that I was cool, and yet my nine yr. old picked right up on it. The sub-conscious stuff can and will get to us.
First and foremost, I am going to say many prayers for that man in the next few days. Also I am going to try to be more aware of the underlying stress in my life, and how it affects my actions and perceptions.
Food for thought...
Scaredy Cat