When I have bad days I usually wake up feeling anxious and worry about why I cannot be the old me - well the old me is in the past and as hard as it is to accept this I know I have no choice.
Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems. Focus on the present . I am a black and white thinker when it comes to looking at myself, I am my own worse critic and I know I have to learn to accept that I am not perfect even thow looking back it felt like I was such a better person then this me. Now I accept that I may not be 100% but I am darn good and that has to be good enough.
You are voicing your fears so you know what they are. I, too, feel so alone when I am in high anxiety and I question why me but there is no answer to that so I work hard at staying in the moment. It may feel like your all alone but you are surround by people who love you. Your little ones love you just the way you are no matter if it is a high anxiety day or a good day.