As we are approaching the Anniversary of September 11th it is a good time not only to honor those who lost and gave their lives (and to remember their families and loved ones) but to reflect on the things that we are priviliged to have and are grateful for.
Please post with thoughts and things that are precious and dear to your heart and soul.
I'll start, here's my list (not necessarily in order)
*Having enough
*My house
*Watching my girls grow into beautiful young ladies
*My aging parent's health
*That my husband's diabetes is controlled
*The beauty in small things (the apples that are ripening on our tree, the new fall flowers in the yard, Indian Summer evenings)
*My church
*Our jobs
*All of the members here at you guys:)
Join in everybody, gratitude is an antedote for A and D and will make you and others smile, and we need that everyday!