i am going to the dentist tomorrow. i HATE going to the dentist.
the last time i went i had an awful experience. i asked my dentist to use novicaine without epinephrine cause it makes my heart race. well, it didn't work as well for some reason. i know it doens't work as well but i had it used another time by another dentist and it worked okay. anyway, he had to end up numbing the whole side of my mouth and i coudn't feel my throat and it wasn't pretty. ha of course i hid my anxiety but i was freaking out inside.
anyway, can you take a klonopin before dental work? if so, i am going to tomorrow so i can relax.
and has anyone ever asked for the novicaine without epi and had it work ok?
i hate laughing gas - it gave me pvcs.
i am sick of getting cavities. i have teeth prone to them and it drives me nuts!