Hi All,
I decided to join because I don't have much support here at home or in the area for groups. I do see a psychologist.
Ok, here is my story. Before the anxiety/panic/depression, I was diagnosed with OCD. I controlled it mainly with a drug called Luvox. I had a pretty normal life....had my daughter in 2004 and life seemed to be going well. We then tried for another and I suffered 3 miscarriages (had 1 miscarriage before daughter which I chalked up to being a fluke). After the 3rd m/c, I started getting severe panic attacks that landed me in the hospital and then after the panic attacks stopped I would fall into a depression. So I did so much research and determined that it had to be my thyroid. Went to holistic MD and got on desiccated thyroid. I started feeling great and one day just quit taking them. So then we decide to try again and in August I lost the baby at 14 weeks. Had surgery and have not been the same since. Panic attacks are back, followed by depression and it seems to get way worse when my menstrual cycle is about
to start. I know that I've had 5 miscarriages and that can be very stressful, but I really believe the panic, anxiety and depression are related somehow to my hormones. Especially now that I break out in acne too at the same time. I have an Appt. set up with an Endocrinologist in December. I'm hoping I can find some answers. My OBGYN told me that if I just get right with God my body will heal. Uugghh.....seriously??? Tell that to a cancer patient!! Oh I could go on about
the stigma related to anxiety and miscarriages but that's for another time. My main question is if anyone out there has connected their anxiety to a hormone imbalance???
Thanks for letting me share my story!!! God Bless!!!