Posted 11/3/2011 2:39 AM (GMT 0)
Hi Holly and welcome to the A/P board:) I am sorry that you are being bothered by this problem and that it is causing you anxiety. Catastrophizing symptoms is very common with health anxiety...we see so many posts like yours, and brain tumors are on the top of the list of worries! You are so not alone:)
The anxious brain seems unable to accept that anxiety alone is causing our symptoms, so it seeks to find a reason to attach it to. Unfortunatley, many times the reason is the worst case senario.
Have you looked into therapy to help you with your fears? Many of us here have struggled with health anxiety and been greatly helped by CBT. In this type of therapy, you learn to turn your anxious thinking around, and gain control though constructive and positive thought processes.
Another thing to consider is that your audio problems could be caused by something benign and treatalbe. Make sure to rule out middle/inner ear infection, tinnitus, ect...
I hope that this is helpful to you. I'm sure you will be hearing from others as well.
Take care and post with us anytime!
Scaredy Cat