Hey you guys,
I got in a car accident 7 months ago and afterwards I started having bad anxiety, which really triggered when I started working again.
I'd cut my head open 20 cm, and thankfully didn't suffer from a concussion, however I'm really afraid that the accident may have caused diffusion related brain damage which would explain my random anxiety/panic.
My psychologist suggested this might be what happened but said there wasn't really a way to tell whether there is any permanent damage or not. This really scares me the most...not knowing.
It's been a rough seven months. I hadn't realized how much it was effecting the ones I loved either until a month or two ago. I left my boyfriend of a year who was really my rock and support through all of this because I just didn't feel it was fair for him, I felt like I couldn't be what he needed at the time, I told him it was because I had to work on myself. Now that he's gone I feel so alone, it's been so hard living without my "voice of reason" and I get so afraid because this journey seems from here like such a long one...
I can't believe it's already been 6 months.
My anxiety is fine some days and bad others. Looking back, I've really improved since this first started. I had anxiety episodes before the accident and got through them so I know I can again, but the thought of my head being damaged scares me.
Does anyone find that the more you think about your problems with this, the more anxious you get? Has anyone here been through a similar situation? I feel so alone, I just wish someone could relate again.
Thanks all.