I just learned from a friend of mine, on the Power-surge forum, that she had a heart attack yesterday, and she's only 44!!! She was always in good health, low cholesterol. But she is taking HRT, wonder if that had anything to do with it?
This immediately threw me into a panic attack, which I haven't had in a while, with palpitations that only freaked me out more! However, it did only last a few minutes because I took a xanax and did some breathing exercises to calm myself, but none the less, it was still there.
God I wish I could control this health anxiety!!! I am starting to calm down now, but does anyone else have this reaction when they hear of news like this? It's just horrible!
She is doing ok now, but I still am freaking out because she is young, and so am I (i'm 39), and there's a long history of heart disease in my family, so immediately the palps made me think the worst!
I have been doing so good with my recovery up until now, it feels like i've had a setback... *sigh* Is this normal to react this way?
Thanks for letting me get this out....((hugs)) Fox