for most people on long term daily benzos, particularly the short half life ones (ativan, xanax) interdose withdrawal and updosing is inevitable. .25 xanax three times daily will usually become .5mg 3-4 times daily and the anxiety is still there. It is best to get off the benzo completely. Find a doctor who will support you on the Ashton taper method.
It is possible that you will feel some withdrawal from 2 months ativan. It should not be protracted, but look up Benzo withdrawaly syndrome, so you can be prepared for any synptome you may have. Hopefully a bit of nausea, anxiety and insomnia lasting a few weeks will be all.
If I cold turkey off my Klonopin, which I have been using for 5 yrs, I will be in hell for months. My last cut from .75 to .625 was too much and protracted insomnia caused me to updose.