Hi, I'm new. I just came home from picking up my nieces from school and taking them to play practice. I started panicking as soon as I pulled away from my house(even with taking medication). I got worse as I drove there and had to pull over a couple times. I feel extrememly nauseated when I have a panic attack(experience 'globus').
I knew it wouldn't start going away until I got back home. I was completely miserable!! I didn't tell anyone but just wanted to get online and find a forum of people who could understand what I was going through.
My history of panic attacks: They started when I was in 7th or 8th grade-I'd call them puke attacks, as I didn't know what they were at the time, just how they felt. This lead to strange behavior, later realizing I was experiencing agoraphobia. They would be bad for a while, then subside. about 6 years ago they got really bad(after dealing with some stress) and I felt like I had the flu all the time. I was put on xanax at that time(my miracle) and it made me feel so much better and after about a year and a half I felt good enough to get a job. I felt good for a couple years then they came back, again surrounding some stress in my life. That stress is gone but my panic attacks aren't-they seem to be getting worse.
My panic stems around feeling nauseated or the thought that I might throw-up(emetophobia). I don't know what to do. I can't seem to change my thinking-my thoughts while I'm having them. I currently have 2 cleaning jobs and desperately want to quit them and hold up in my house for a while. I've been dealing with agoraphobia for many years but figure out ways to still function and do things in life. But as I was driving today(in my own town, not even 15 minutes away from home) I felt it was becoming too much and this one would definately affect me. Would this be the one that finally paralyzes me? They are soooo bad and I don't want to go through that again.
Anyway, I just wanted to post my history of panic attacks and talk about my one today. I will read through some other posts and try to respond to any that I can.
Thanks for listening.