Well lately things have been going pretty well, my mood has definitely been a lot better then it has been in a long time. There are still times, and sometimes very often that I feel the effects of anxiety though. I even start thinking maybe it's more then anxiety and a serious problem. I guess the best example I could give of this would be my memory problems. When people tell me things and I don't remember them and they remind me, I really beat myself up over it. I get mad that I can't remember that someone told me about
a party or a birthday or an event going on. At work I know A LOT of the customers by name the moment they walk in the door. Then certain days (today, probably bc I had a miserable nights sleep) I couldn't even remember customers that I know for a fact that I know them. I kept questioning what day it is today and at work I kept thinking I forgot (which I guess I couldn't have forgot because I was thinking about
me forgetting it) about
my online bachelors program that started today that I had homework due for. I got everything done today that needed to be done though, I guess that's the positive thing.
My main worry is, should I be concerned with this laid back and memory lapsing mood that I've been in lately? I'm switching jobs from my current credit union to a very competitive bank at chase where I've heard from A LOT of people at my current credit union that they said Chase will fire or terminate your employment quickly if you're not reaching your quotas. I'm not even really worried about it though, I'm looking forward to it but when everyone starts reminding me of the negatives I can't help but think and wonder did I really think this through? Or am I just making decisions without thinking of the consequences? Am I just mindlessly going through everyday and going through the motions like some sort of zombie who can't remember what day it is?
Obviously I know some of these thoughts are just downright stupid. But when my anxiety is spiking, and the lights are bothering me, and I'm feeling the effects of depersonalization/derealization very bad (I hate these feelings, they are THE WORST), it's hard for me to shake the stupid thoughts of what day is it? Why don't you know what day it is? Then I start blaming myself and thinking something is seriously wrong with me. Eventually I snap out of it though, or I just get through the day and go to bed with a .5 xanax and some melatonin lol.
Anyone have any thoughts on this? Should I be more concerned about this memory problem? I've just been trying to tell myself keep rolling with the punches and keep moving forward, one thing I do have to say though. I don't even recognize the guy in the mirror anymore with the things I do on a daily basis now. If you would have told me 4 years ago pre-severe anxiety problems that I would be a personal banker for chase I would have laughed at you. I thought then that I was not built for a social/personable job like that. Times have changed I guess and so have I?