Hey everybody! Well it's that time of year again...Spring! It's my favorite...until Summer comes...and well, Fall is nice, and of course Winter has it's merits...Lol!...but I really do love Spring.
I think it has to do with the freshness, the soft colors, the re-birth of old things asleep through the winter, and oh, the flowers and fluffy clouds and rainstorms/rainbows...what's not to love? (imo)
I love the metaphorical starting over theme too. I have had a tough week, and could use some of that inspiration right about now!
Do you guys have any favorite signs of Spring? I would love to hear them.:)
One of my favorites are the fruit trees that are blooming right now. We have a white nectarine that has the most beautiful cotton candy colored blossoms atm!
Looking forward to hearing from everybody.