I'm not very good with introductions, so please excuse me if I sound a bit odd...
I'm 19 years old and very excited to start college in the summer! Most of the time I'm at home, since I just moved with my mom and don't know anyone around here. I used to enjoy taking walks, but it's been much too cold for any of that still.
On to the point...I've always been a bit obsessive when it comes to my thoughts, usually trying to stay as ignorant as I can about
certain things (as bad as that sounds) just so that the thoughts don't pop up over and over again. I was just starting to get over my anxiety with these thoughts, until I moved. I now know that the main reason why I tend to have these thoughts is because I'm alone, so before I moved, I'd spend time with friends and various family members. Now that I'm in a new neighborhood with nowhere to go and no one to see, I've been slipping back into my thoughts. The only difference is now, I'm having issues with derealization/depersonalization. It brings me to the point of tears because I KNOW this is reality, and I know it's not normal, but I can't help feeling the way I do. This has never happened before, either. I'm very sure it has to do with the fact that I get little human interaction. My mom is unbelievably supportive and there, but she works during the day. So, by joining this forum, I hope that I can somewhat socialize with others who often feel the way I feel. Just writing all this alone makes me feel better.
Thank you, all!