My son in law (age 29) has IBS and is slightly overwight. He is under a lot of stress at work. Last night, whilst in the middle of a conversation (having eaten some considerable time earlier) he suddenly clutched his chest in agony, his face contorted, his eyes bulged and his skin became grey - and he keeled over on his side. His eyes remain
open, but completely glazed over, he was not responding in any way and his pulse was very weak. Paramedics were summoned and arrived within minutes - they too found his pulse weak and his blood pressure exceptionally low. He came round and had no idea what had haened or why he waso n the floor - all he could remember was the sudden acute chest pain. He was treated as an emergency case and was rushed to hosiptal by ambulance, where blood tests, ECG's etc confirmed no heart problem, no diabetes
and no identifiable cause or explanation for what had happened.
I suspect that the cause is stress and, perhaps, the IBS - or a combination of these, but could this really explain the low pulse and Blood pressure and the total passing out??