i was just grocery shopping - almost broke - getting my oil changed too and my son is starting a new summer camp tomorrow. i was pushing him in the cart with the groceries and i started feeling out of breath (i could lose 20 pounds) and the more i thought about
it, the worse it got. i popped 1/2 a klonopin which take awhile to start working. anyone ever been through this. i always wonder if something is wrong with me seriously or if it's just panic. ugh i had a nightmare last night my son got lost in this huge amusement park and they will be going on field trips. anyway, i hate this because i can't stop them!
i know i need to exercise an di have been drinking more caffiene this wekeend than usual and i drank this weekend on a date. but that was sat night. it should all be out of my system by now. my faucet outside broke too that my dad already fixed once - they live 2 hours away so they can't just come fix it again. owning a house being single is not a smart thing to do.
does this just sound like anxiety? it's so scary. i usually don't get the out of breath thing with my panic but once in awhile i do.