Will,Hey there, anxiety can cause you to loose your appetite. In fact it can cause you to eat everything in sight or feel to upset to eat at all. I am the type to use food for comfort so anxiety = eat .
As for Crohn's disease, my hubby has Crohn's.
He was dx 36 years ago, has had 4 major surgeries, many procedures and been on lots of meds. When he starts to lose weight we immediately look to his Crohn's as the cause and don't worry about cancer. He is scoped every 2 years and is followed closely by his medical team.
Yes, people that have Crohn's are more likely to develop cancer but as usual new data is always coming out on all the different theories of what makes you more likely to develop cancer. My Father and all 5 of his siblings died of cancer - will I - perhaps but not much I can do to change my genetics so if I should Goggle something I take it with a grain of salt.
You are young and just starting down the path with Crohn's so you have the right to feel fear and concern re how your disease will progress. Please know that my hubby worked full time, we raised 4 children and he is a Harley man so he did not let Crohn's derail him.
Careful with your diet if you have GERD and don't let the Klonopin fool you into thinking watching what you eat is not important. Big breath and enjoy your day.