Hello and a warm welcome to HealingWell and the A
& P Forum. I am Kitt and I have a 30
year history of anxiety, depression, PTSD and, yes, I have a tendency to be
obsessive and complulsive especially when it comes to worrying.
No you are not going to suddenly go insane. Here is why. OCD is caused by fear,
which causes anxiety which causes OCD. People that are really going insane do
not ask themselves if they are going crazy.
OCD is a
coping mechanism that the brain creates to deal with a situation. The
best cure is to get to the fear that
drives the anxiety, which drives the OCD.
For myself, the deep feeling of unease and fear that
courses through my body, as I sit predicting the fearful outcomes the future
may bring me, is what obsessive worrying feels like. This kicks up my anxiety and along comes depression. I find breaking free from the circling thoughts and having a talk with myself sometimes brings me around. Other times distraction does the trick. I also have a therapist as well as the wonderful members here in the forum. When the depression is weighing heavily on me I will let out the tears and accept that I am a person with a mental health disorder - I am not crazy.
I hope you keep on sharing your feelings with us as we know where your coming from and what you are going through.