tish,Hello and welcome to HealingWell. Many people with anxiety have the very same concern as you do. It's true, some who are under stress or who have had a problem with choking on food in the past, sometimes experience problems with swallowing. It's very much like developing a phobia. First, something frightening or painful happens and this sets up a situation for fear in the future. Then, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. You eat, you're afraid you'll choke and then you have problems swallowing. The more it happens, the stronger the fear is reinforced. For some people, it amounts to a situation where they can only swallow liquids.
I suggest that you look for a licensed, certified biofeedback specialist who can work with you on this.
One of the side effects of your drugs may also be dry mouth. I would try eating small meals frequently and . "double chew" your food and swallow before putting the next bite in your mouth. Stick with soft foods that are easier to swallow.
You may also want to talk with your Dr. re GERD as you may have some reflux disease that you are not aware.
Please know we are here to support you so keep on talking with us.