karmabites,Hello and welcome to HealingWell. I am so sorry to read of your husband's liver cancer and I can understand your fears and anxieties.
Because the liver plays a vital role in removing toxins and medications from the
blood, liver cancer can severely disrupt metabolic pathways and make drug or
chemotherapy administration/regulation particularly difficult. I suspect this may be happening to your husband in regards to his use of narcotics.
In general, patients with severe liver disease should be prescribed lower doses of opioids with extended dosing intervals when multipe daily doses of opioids are needed. You will want to discuss your husband's reaction to the medications to see if some adjustments may help with the problem. Also you may want to ask the Dr. about using Fentanyl. Just a few suggestions but please remember I am not a physician.
I am wondering if you have any family or friends that may be available to help you out at home so you can get some much needed rest ?