I'm not sure where else to post this. Maybe in the back pain group or something. I don't know but it's causing me TREMENDOUS anxiety so I figured I'd post it here too.
I sometimes (like just now), will get this sudden shooting pain that seems to be either in my back shooting to the center of my chest or the opposite. All I know is that it happens when I move a certain way and suddenly I'm very still bc I feel like if I move any more, I'm going to pull something or something and the pain is going to be unbearable! I don't know what to do about this. I don't know if anyone else ever gets it but I'd like to think I'm not the only one. I think it could be a contribution of factors. One that I have a crooked back and seem hunched over, two it runs in my family to have calcium deficincies in my family, three that I have a lot of anxiety and panic and I can be pretty stiff at times.
I just want to know that I'm not alone with this and what it might be. Maybe muscles or something? I just know that when it happens, it feels like just a little bit more and I would have been in seriously unbearable pain! The half a second it hits before I go back to the position before, it feels like it could seriously kill me!
Can anyone relate????