Welcome! We are glad you have found us and hope that we will be of help to you. As a first time poster, feel comfortable starting your own thread (topic) instead of posting to someone else's in your first post. To do this, click on New Topic instead of Reply. Give your thread a title. Introduce yourself and your situation to others here. This way, you will not "fall through the cracks" and will get many more replies.
Unless you have a completely new subject you want to address, you do not need to start a New Topic whenever you want to post--just add onto your original one. And of course you can always post to other members' threads.
Also, remember not to use CAPS when you post. In Internet etiquette, it's considered "screaming" and is also difficult to read.
Follow these simple instructions and I think you will find your experience here goes well. You will learn a lot and also receive support from those who can relate to you on a personal level.
Welcome aboard the Anxiety Forum !
The Forum Moderators for Anxiety and Panic