Hi i am brand new to the forum this is my first post ever on healing well.I am a very bad hypochondriac it's actually to the point where it is ruining my life.I build ideas and thoughts in my head of having horrible sickness and disease.
I feel like i am the worst kind of hypochondriac because i can't shake off these horrible thoughts of being sick when i really am not sick.I think if something was wrong after 20 different visits to my doctors offices and over 15 ER visits and a week stay in observation at the hospital and after numerous cat scans and a MRI the doctors would have found something wrong by now.
But yet every single time the doctors have told me i am just fine and they have found nothing in my blood work or CT scans or X Ray results.Doctors all say i have health anxiety.I was diagnosed with acute sinusitis through a CT scan of the brain and a MRI of the brain.It causes me many health problems having acute sinusitis is a living nightmare at times.But in no way should i constantly have all these health worries running rampant in my head at all times of the day.
I have other issues as well like my resting heart rate goes up to 128 BPM when i am around a good sized crowd of people.Also i take natural depression and anxiety medicine so far i have been using St. John's Wort and Chamomile Tea and Melatonin to help me relax and sleep better and it works excellent for me.I have not been to a doctor or ER in over a year and a half now.
I feel much calmer and more relaxed and less stress and worries about
my health anxiety.Being a hypochondriac is just not any fun.Lets face it my blood pressure is good i have a blood pressure machine and my oxygen and heart rate are good only when i am in crowds of people does my heart rate jump up considerably.
Also i use the steam water inhaling method to clear my horrible sinus disease.So i feel like i have worked hard with CBT and medicine becoming a big part of my life in the last year and a half.I feel a lot better posting this today.I hope you all know we can overcome anything in life.
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