Posted 2/23/2013 5:11 AM (GMT 0)
nderstanding the process:My short version, sometimes for no reason I catch myself listining to my heart beat palps, I try to ignore it but sometines it gets worse can hear in inside my head/ears or tempile,
as described by a head Dr. many years ago.
You start listening to your heart and what you are doing is listening for something to go wrong, your sub concious says Larry if you dont do something I will, well old sub brain says I warned you here is some really good heart stimiluant called adrelan. Bang im up to 120 per min and geting short of breath, sweating, weakness, horriable fear, "I fell into my own trap again" I needed to get up before this happened and make my muscles move, do something, anything positavity, even as small as wash a dish,
luckly I was given a prescription for xanax and it would shut down the panic instantly, but the adrellin was still in my blood, when I would start to doze off I would jump or jerk and be wide awake again, sometimes I would go through this many times before the adrenelan wore off, next day I would be pretty ok even angry with myself for making the same mistake again. We all need tools to combat the subconcies becaust sometimes I would get the adrenlin shot out of the blue, this happens to a lot of us,
my redomendation is read the advice SC provides, these are tools to combat this afliction and one day win. Even tho the boat we are all in we will not throw anyone overboard because we get a little uncomfortable. Larry