Posted 3/10/2013 5:29 AM (GMT 0)
Not yet but have been wondering about that, I feel like I'm going to go crazy, since I don't have insurance they can hardly do too much for me, once I get some paper work turned in Monday, hopefully I will get medicaid (sp), I feel like I have things that aren't right with me physically, I've felt that way for awhile now, it seems since I really haven't had a full time doc until just recently, that nobody will really try to help, you might get assigned a follow-up with a doc here or there, but they don't usually dig too deep, they just are always figuring it's going to be the easy or cheap fix, but since I got this new doc that's taken me in for awhile, she's helped more, but like she says in her own words "you need insurance so I can check a few more things out".. it really really sucks to be in this situation which I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Not only do I have anxiety, but I really have things that are going on too, of course I always think it's the worst, and it could be even, I have a 12 year old son with Down Syndrome who needs me, we just got told yesterday that we have until June 1st to move out of our house, landlord wants to make it an office (we're near his business), I don't know what to do at this point, I have had an upset stomach for a few days now, blood work is coming out okay, but not deep tests, I get bone chilling cold when I have diarrhea or have to poop sometimes for the past 1.5 years, and randomly cold chills sometimes, I have what feels like a uti half the time due to increased urination, now low potassium, yeast under my right breast that I can never seem to get rid of, I get swollen lymph glands under both arm pits, more on the right side, seem to run a low grade fever once a month around ovulation, I can't stand this any more, I really can't.
I try to talk to my bf/husband about things, but he's a virgo, he doesn't talk too much unless it's about scientific stuff, he doesn't understand why I get anxiety, and he doesn't worry about anything, my parent's have heard enough totally, they don't know what to do for me and they also think that nothing is wrong and or I worry too much, I have no one else to talk to at all, so I stay quiet about things, I sit in the bedroom most of the time, feeling like crap, bladder hurting etc. I've not been much of an out going person most of my life, I'm pretty shy for the most part, I noticed that people can be cruel when I was in school, I never related, growing up around mostly adults, it was hard for me to understand other kids, they were mean to me, each other etc. I've been bullied, I've seen and stopped others from being bullied because I have never liked that, so anyway, I have always stayed to myself mostly, I don't like how people will purposely cause drama or life difficulties for others, so I don't have any friends because of this. I'm going down this road with nothing more than this website for support and I'm scared, lonely, annoyed, tired.
Don't worry though, I won't be hurting myself, I just want to get things off my chest and this helps.
Thanks for reading. -Jess