Hello jd,
Read this link
www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/19/body-stress-response_n_2902073.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular read that whole thing, please.
Now you may not think that you are stressed or overly stressed, you may not feel it, but you just explained where a lot of it is stemming from, your mother had a heart attack and told you every symptom she had before she went in, it was a traumatic experience for you because you can recant everything she said to you about
her symptoms, so you have kept those feelings in your mind all this time, maybe not right up front, you may have even thought you forgot about
it, but it was sitting in the back of your mind all along. Now that you have a pinched nerve that can resemble a symptom of a heart attack, all those feelings, all that anxiety is rushing to the front now.
What you have to do is control it by telling yourself, I am fine, there is nothing wrong, I just have a pinched nerve. Not that easy a task when you are in full blown fight or flight, panic attack mode.
To help you along, it's best to take your medicine as prescribed and try some meditation, or breathing exercises to keep as calm as possible and provide an outlet for your stress. Watching some funny shows on t.v., going for a long walk or jog, going to a comedy club, all these things can help. Avoid alcoholic beverages. Also, keep up with your doctor appointments, or maybe even see a chiropractor they can help wonders with back, spine and neck issues.
You WILL be fine, we all here at these forums have gone through what you are going through now, you can get past this, you just need the support and know how, to help you achieve it.