“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.”
― Leo Buscaglia
One of my favorite quotes. I understand what you are going through as I have 31 year history of anxiety and depression. I managed to work 26 years in the dream job I always wanted but I eventually burned out from stress and took early retirement.
I also started seeing a psychiatrist when I retired which has been a huge help to me as I have learned ways to deal with my anxiety. One of the quickest ways for me to deal with high anxiety is to practice positive affirmations. Here is a link to one of our threads right here on this page re positive affirmations:
You mentioned your are a thyroid cancer survivor - how long since you were dx with cancer if I may ask ? I am a colon cancer survivor; just dx in August of 2012; had surgery and completed chemo on February 25, 2013. The first weeks when I completed treatment my anxiety was sky high which I did not expect. I thought I would be so happy and excited but with a lot of help, both profesional and from peers, I now understand that feeling alone and afraid after treatment is normal. If worries of cancer are on your mind and you would like to, feel free to email me.
I hope you keep on talking with us as we are here for you.