Posted 6/14/2013 6:07 AM (GMT 0)
Okay, I'm serial posting tonight. I'm sorry. I'll try to let this be the last one.
I've noticed in a lot of posts, the name of a particular medication coming up. (I'm not going to say which because I don't want to stress anyone out whose taking it successfully.)
When I was being treated for depression, I was given that drug (max dose), Celexa (max dose), and Atarax (max dose) in combination. I had horrible hallucinations for weeks. I mean, very serious hallucinations - I still remember them as valid memories. Except, I know better.
Like, there definitely was not a man under my bed pulling on my feet, because after two nights, I disassembled my bed and put the mattresses on my floor. I continued to truly believe someone was under there pulling my feet. I would be hanging onto the top of the mattress, screaming for help, crying, etc. No one understood. Including my doctor. They really seemed to think I was just lying or being dramatic.
I eventually quit taking those and the hallucinations slowly went away. But, I see so many people on here speaking well of it.
I'm wanting to freak out and wonder if I've got some kind of other problems with my mind... but, I know they went away within a month or two of stopping that script.
This is my question - has anyone else experienced hallucinations from medicine?