Hello Amanda and welcome!
Good on you for recognizing this issue and reaching out.
I too recommend talking to your doctor if this continues, but in the meantime, I also think that some stress reducing coping mechanisms could really help you to feel better.
In our Resources (main page, 1st post) we have video links to breathing, meditation and relaxation exercises that you can do at home.
When the kids are napping, or occupied with an activity, you can practice these anytime/anywhere.:) It only takes a few minutes a couple of times a day, and they can really make a difference.
In the evening, when your partner is home...try to take some time just for yourself to decompress and recharge as well.
We understand and care, so please post with us anytime. Best wishes on your weaning, and let us know how you are doing soon.
Here is a link on weaning that you may find helpful as well.
Scaredy Cat