anxious,Hello and good afternoon. The only person who can judge the amount of sleep you need to be happy and alert is you. Studies come out year after year saying X number of hours is the best number of hours—8 hours to feel most rested, 7 hours to live long like the Japanese, 6 hours and you'll die young—but the only expert on what is best for you is you.
I was stuck in the "unable to fall asleep" pattern for nearly 6 months at one time as I was determined that I could not function on less than 8 hours of sleep per night. All of this was part of my meltdown and led to my taking early retirement but I have learned so much since those days.
It's especially important while you're easing yourself into a new sleep routine to minimize external distractions. Have a cat that jumps on the bed at 3AM? Toss them out of the bedroom before bedtime. Neighbor starts up his diesel truck at 4AM to go to work? Wear ear plugs. Spouse gets up and turns on the lights to get dressed before you? Sleep with a sleep mask on.
As my hubby was already retired and would come to bed at all hours of the night, I sweetly asked him to sleep in the spare room and he did which helped me stay asleep.
Right now though while you are focused on rebooting your sleep cycle, no napping. You need to go to bed at the end of the day when you are tired, not at a later time because you snuck a nap.
Your bedroom should be a place your body associates with nothing else but sleep and well a few other personal things.
Try a few of the ideas I have mentioned but do not expect an overnight miracle. Any thing worth having is going to take hard work.
Good luck to you and yes count sheep if it helps you.