i'm having my carpal tunnel surgery on Thursday and I know I won't be able to sleep that night and I will be so nervous that morning before. ugh my son who is 20 is taking me and he is a very calm, kid who will be irritated if I act nervous. I can hide it well though. see, I should be thinking more positive and not anticipating such negativity. haha
I don't think I've ever had the anesthesia - but maybe I have - it's propofal. I had my tonsils out when I was 7 (i'm 43) and not sure they used it back then. I guess because I associate it with killing Michael Jackson even tho I know he abused it and used it way too long. ha I have a fear of not waking up or being allergic. I work in the legal field so have seen lots of medical malpractice cases. I have this fear of leaving my children behind. it's really ridiculous because it's minor surgery.
I need to chill. then I worry about taking a klonopin beforehand even tho they told me it's ok because I worry it's too much in my system with the other stuff they give me. haha oh my I know.
I also have unrealistic fears of fighting it and having trouble breathing. last time I was in a hospital setting, I watched my father die so it's probably I associate hospitals with death. I need to get over it.
I am, however, proud I am going through with it and face my fears. like when I went ziplining lately when I was soooo scared to do it. surgery doesn't sound fun but having your hand go numb all the time isn't fun either.