Posted 8/14/2013 12:42 AM (GMT 0)
Ive been praying for change and asking God to take out of me what is not like him&that would be PAD&always trying to do everything on my own&He hears me this I know. And I find myself faceing my fears stronger&wiser with each day learning to not let anxiety run/burn me out,truth is Ive been way over tired&no one I mean no one should ever have to live in much fear&panic like I have& truth is it's hard but we can do it& we can make it set backs and all we can make it. As long as we are in the land of the living,we can make it&have a chance to overcome 100% yes life isn't easy but no one ever said it would be.
I saw a movie 'Amish Grace about a man that had lost his lil girl so he wanted to take other girls life out of pain,and he walked into a school&killed young girls&one of the girls that made it told the mother&father of another girl that didn't make it that their daughter lost her life saving a younger girl. She said she told the man to take her first,because she knew where she was going the Amish are true down to earth save christians. This story is true you might have saw it on the news years ago&what a grace,so my point is that no matter what we can't let anxiety/fear win.
And we must give our best to face it with a brave heart&ask God to remove anything not like him,because we have every right to enjoy our life&live a happy&full life we so have that right. For God says they that wait on Him shall renew their strength&mount up like eagles,this is a strong bird so lets use our lion hearts&eagle minds. And fight,fight,fight I can do it&you can do it to so be blessed&bold&walk in your truth with your head up high be encouraged no matter whats going on.