Hi I'm a new poster and I would just like to be considerate and warn people that I tend to be dramatic when it comes to health anxiety and hypochondria. I generally take an idea and run with it to the point where I can't really be convinced otherwise and get very analytical so if you're susceptible to similar thought patterns, I would navigate somewhere else!
So I've latched on to multiple serious and life-threatening conditions before (to the dismay of my family and friends) such as: heart attack, stroke, etc. Essentially each one of these could be pretty easily disproved and I was able to be talked down out of my panic attack.
However, lately I keep coming back to the condition of hyperthyroidism and its connection to anxiety, as well as other conditions that can be misdiagnosed as purely "psychological anxiety." Further hindering my ability of peace of mind, I recently read a scientific article about
a study done in which individuals with panic disorder were tested for hyperthyroidism and all blood tests came back fine but a follow up study indicated that most of them developed the condition a couple years later. It also stated that panic disorder/agoraphobia are more likely to have problems with their thyroid later in life. Both of these pieces of information really sends my hypochondria into overdrive.
I got a full physical and complete blood workup about
three months ago and everything came back perfect. But to hear things like the points previously stated, makes me feel nervous all over again and wondering if everything is in fact fine.
Sorry for the length of this but I'm just attempting to make sense of the convoluted manners of my anxious mind.