Jay90Good Afternoon. I am sorry your not feeling well; from you description I am wondering if you have an upper respiratory infection going on? Like most of us with anxiety a physical illness can cause our anxiety to increase.
What have you tried so far for your sx, checked your temperature, noticed if you are coughing or have an increase in secretions, taken any OTC med for you headache or tried a warm towel on your neck?
Sometime taken a very warm shower with the door to the bathroom closed tightly will help loosen up secretions as well as help with the stiffness in your neck. If your temperature is up you may want to take a luke warm shower to help lower you temperature.
Any recent exposure to anyone with flu like sx?
Hopefully if you try a few of the things I mentioned you will start feeling relief.
Remember I am not a Dr. so if you feel you need professional help do check in with your Dr.