Mokie,A great deal of faith has been put in the hands of medical practitioners for a good many years. There are many who have performed incredible surgery and are a credit to their profession. We are extremely lucky to have the medical knowledge, expertise and dedication we have.
There are times when you, or a member of your family, are at your most vulnerable; when you’ve placed your trust, and your body, in the hands of trusted experts and those experts fail to live up to the high standard any member of the public should be entitled to enjoy.
Not only is there the physical harm you have suffered but also the psychological and emotional trauma for you and your family.
Chronic pain can cause significant psychological and emotional trauma and often limits an individual’s ability to fully function. Psychological trauma can cause chronic pain even when no cause can be found.
Traditional approaches used to treat emotional trauma include CBT. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of treatment that focuses on
examining the relationships between thoughts, feelings and behaviors. By
exploring patterns of thinking that lead to self-destructive actions and the
beliefs that direct these thoughts, people with psychological trauma can modify their
patterns of thinking to improve coping. CBT is a type of psychotherapy that is
different from traditional psychodynamic psychotherapy in that the therapist and
the patient will actively work together to help the patient recover from their illness. People who seek CBT can expect their therapist to be
problem-focused, and goal-directed in addressing the challenging symptoms of trauma. Because CBT is an active intervention, one can also expect to
do homework or practice outside of sessions.
I am sorry this has happened to you and remember we are here to support you. We do know where your coming from and what you going through. Many of us have experienced significant traumatic events in our lives.
I wish you fair winds and following seas.