MM,You have a very wise Mother. Can I borrow her even though she is most likely younger than I am ??
When I start to get into the anxiety mode here are a few things I use and especially if I am not at home as I fear having an anxiety attack in public.
1. Meditation - take a deep breath simultaneously and relax, think of a happy thoughts.
2. Aromatherapy - sniff something that will make you relax and divert your attention. menthol perhaps. (I have several of the small aroma inhalers - Calm, Peace, and Ventirose that I keep handy around the house and in my purse)
3. Recitation - recite anything like songs (better with music) or prayer or even reading so you can divert you thoughts. SC gave you a good idea.
Most of all remember that anxiety is messing with you and you are stronger so kick the dang anxiety to the curb as you need to feel peace.