Posted 12/7/2013 1:12 AM (GMT 0)
I think that you sound like me. Ive had 3 CT scans within the past year. I was convinced I had a brain tumor. I had EVERY symptom. Turned out it was all anxiety , surprise surprise. Ive also had myself convinced Ive had every symptom of bleeding stomach ulcers , stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, heart failure, etc etc etc!!! I cannot express enough how BAD google is. After many many tests I'm obviously fine, but I STiLL cant come to grips that Im a healthy 26 year old woman. I still believe I have heart issues which is why I have my 2nd cardiology apt on the 12th after Ive had 5 ekgs, 2 chest xrays, all the bloodwork, worn a holter monitor, etc. I still feel like I convinced I have heart issues when every Dr Ive been to says its anxiety related but I feel they are missing something all because of GOOGLE! Ughh. Stupidest invention ever for symptoms but best invention for doing my homework. (-: lol. I believe you are fine! Our brains are way more powerful than you even know. Anxiety also increases stomach acidity and causes IBS, Acid Reflux, Gastritis, which all cause heartburn, indigestion, belching, diarrhea, etc. And I have all of those symptoms. I take Prilosec and it has helped a lot but not enough to not have to carry the biggest bottle of pepto bismol in my purse! I wish you the best of luck and stay off of google!!!