This is just a quick post, but I was hoping for a little inspirational input regarding a sinking, dropping, feeling.
On an off throughout my life, (though more as an adult) I've had this feeling from time to time, not everyday, and sometimes it doesn't happen for quite some time. I have seen this feeling in people's body language before, (in other people), as I think this is the same thing as what I feel from time to time.
I saw it in a colleague who was being bullied by a boss, not in my current workplace, but in the past, and I see it in people I think who also may feel it because of having a keen interest in another person.
It kind of resembles butterflies, but it's for me not felt in the stomach, but but further up.
My problem is, when I feel it, I sometimes become too reliant on it (or think about the feeling, which prolongs it, though it is usually fleeting), and then I use the feeling, I think, to get attention or something, it turns into an emotion which is really strong, and happens more when I know someone has an interest in me emotionally, so it kind of leads to some kind of thing, which can turn into sadness or longing to be supported.
It isn't about panic and not always breathing problems, but I'm wondering if there is a way to deal with the feeling, in order to make more light of it, and have it kind of pass by as a more comfortable emotion.
Thank you for any thoughts or input.