Everyday all day this is hoe I feel
Chest pain
Chest palps sometimes
Pressure on chest
Rapid heart beat sometimes
Anxious sometimes
Nervous sometimes
Headaches 24/7 light to mild to severe
Head pains sometimes
Head pressure
Heavy headness
Face numb or tight
Head , Brain zaps ,
Head feels tight
Head feel like rubber band
Feels like head fill up with air
Head burning sensations
Feels like someone sitting on head
Feel detach from body
Feel like I'm not here
Mind wonders
Bad thoughts
Tight balls in head
Can't breathe
Neck pain
And a host of other issues , been checked fir everything
While I understand its all anxiety , why do I feel like this 24/7 ......
Everyday , even when I try to get out , shop etc , it's still there , no relief , so days are light days ...