I've mulled posting this before, but it's a phenomenon that afflicts about
5% of population +/- some. I've corresponded with people about
the issue before, the reason that I'm posting it here is that, when active, it adds to anxiety.
We started to hear it about
5 years ago, we rented, full time, a house in a country setting (nothing elaborate) about
120 miles north of the city where we reside. We were sitting on the veranda, (just kidding, it's a humble screened in porch) early one evening, and we had both noticed the noise, a persistent low frequency HUM, reminiscent of a diesel engine idling in the distance, sounding like a train. I had read about
"The HUM" before, and other people's struggles with it, but never suspected it would afflict us. Characteristic of the HUM is that people commonly start hearing it in their early 50's, which we had just entered.
Now, if it had been confined to just that house, I'd not be writing about
it now, but after that day, we began to hear it just about
everywhere. In our city of residence, and many miles to the west of the county home, in an adjacent state, just about
most places where we traveled. One of my sons was with us in the adjacent state mention in the previous sentence, and we stopped the car in the country, got out, and my wife and I heard the HUM over the sounds of insects and birds, my son heard nothing but the insects and birds.
My wife and I hear it in characteristic ways, some areas of our house in the city the HUM would be concentrated, other areas to a much lesser degree. My wife and I have drastically different hearing, she has impairment due to genetic issues, and I have been cautious about
protecting my hearing even though I work in heavy industry. Because of my noise exposures, at work we receive yearly hearing tests, I have no hearing loss (of significance) since I started over 15 years ago.
My wife and I are in a unique position, we both hear it, we both hear it louder in the areas where it concentrates, and we both are free from hearing it at the same time. Many people would have a spouse or significant other that does not hear it, and with anxiety and a range of physical ailments (such as Fibromyalgia) many people don't believe because they have no personal experience. The HUM, at times, is almost felt more, in the ears, than heard. For us, with the TV on, or the white noise device we use to aid in sleep, these do a good job of masking it. (We've slept with a fan on for noise long before we began hearing the HUM) We've been free of the HUM for over a year, but it has recently returned.
If you find a site that claims to have audio of the HUM, and it is of the more common low frequency variety, there's a good chance that you won't hear it unless you use headphones, you may not hear the sample at all if your equipment is not capable of reproducing very low frequencies. If anyone is afflicted with this bizarre condition, or know someone that is, I'd like hear in this forum how you or they handle it. If you have friends, relatives, a spouse or significant other that has complained of this, you may want to take them seriously, it is annoying and adds to stress.