Posted 3/11/2014 10:33 PM (GMT 0)
My pain is at a level 1000 and I'm just sick of it .....
So another trip to ER today for my chest pains and everything was ok , so they say .....
Doctors say the fact that I had a cardiac catherazation last year and it was clean and tons of other testing on from my cardiac doc and everything was clear and clean its 1 year and 6 months since I been going through this and my pain seems to never leave , it comes and goes but somehow still there ....
my chest pains are as follow .........
heavy feeling on my chest
feels like chest bones are poping
under my rib cage and side heavy sharp pain
my chest ache
chest tightness
dull achy pain
bones cracking right in middle of chest
pins and needle feeling
pain up and down my arms and in my back , sharp dull and achy
just all types of pains 24/7 ........
Ativan not really helping for it .... CBT is a little helpful
My headache pain is off and on all day
tight band feeling
heavy head feeling
exploding feeling
burning feeling
light headness
feeling faint
and other bad headache feelings
I had 2 ctscan , MRI , MRA and an EEG and everything was fine .........
My ears feel clogged up and eyes hurt , my body is in pain all over , tingling in feet , fingers , arms , legs mouth , throat feels funny , face poping , feel tired and weak , feel sick all the time , nausea ,
When I go outside feel like in another world , like im losing my mind , like my body is slowing going , finger feels tight and arms as well , neck cracking
Im sick of all the test all the doc and they cant find jack doodle wrong with me
My psychairst says I have a somatoform disorder ..........
I just stop zoloft cause I was so sick and it made me feel crazy
I feel like my anxiety got out of control , I wasnt this bad or had as many sx as I have now
Im just a mess and can barely do what I need to do its like my life is passing me by
Right this second my stomach feels funny and hot and my arms are hot and chest and side in pain , trying to stay calm ....... ( gi doc went down my stomach 2x everything all clear ) .
After a while can this damage your heart , or your body , im mean this is alot for your body to go through ......
Thanks for listening
Sick and tired of being sick and tired ....Want my life back ...
All I can do is pray , and trust god ...... Nothing left in me