I am brand new to this site. So I apologize if I am not doing this right :)
I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for a few years now unfortunately. I was prescribed xanax to take as needed about
a year ago. I only use it in emergency situations. Recently, I went to see a natural supplement doctor and he gave me a supplement called L-theanine to take 1-2 pills 3x a day. It's supposed to boost your mood and lessen anxiety and panic. Keeping my fingers crosse it works!!
Has anyone had any luck taking this?
I think I'm nervous still because I got a ton of blood tested and an EMG from my neuro to check things out within the last year. Clean EMG (I have muscle twitches everywhere) a normal exam, and 2 kind of abnormal blood tests.. I am worried about
them even though my neuro and the natural doctor both didn't see them as significant. The tests are ANA and ACE. (Non specific testers for lupus and sarcoid.)
Not sure if I should post about
this in a different loop, but I am having anxiety over these high tests and have to keep being retested.
I just want my anxiety and daily panic attacks or feelings to go away!
Thanks for reading! (I also see a counselor if anyone wondered.) I've tried soo many things!