Same here, I have musculoskeletal pain that makes my anxiety start because of my heart issues and vice versa. Gas pains have sent me to the ER becasue of the fear of my heart issues. What is frustrating is gas can cause pain in so many different places it scares us because of problems we know we have and not sure, "is this gas, is this a stroke, is this a muscle spasm, is this an irritated nerve, or is this my heart, is my aneurysm growing, could it have dissected, should I go to the ER?" it will drive you crazy. I have intense pain in my back from bad discs and my aortic specialist has said if I have any tearing intense pain to go to ER, that could be the sign of a aortic dissection. I said "doc, my back hurts like that every day, how will I know?" he cant answer that. I live in fear from this!! the pain in my back will radiate down my arm and go numb sometimes, then my mind goes crazy again and the PVCs get worse and my mind starts rambling again "could this be a stroke, irritated nerve" ect. all over again.. MAN!!! then blood pressure goes up and anxiety turns to panic attack because high blood pressure can make my aneurysms grow.... FEAR!!! We have to beat this anxiety and we can do it!!!!!!!!!