A letter just arrived for me the other day; it says that I have evidence of acid reflux.
Which means a lifetime of suffering to at least some degree.
With a somewhat-diagnosis of LPR from my recent larynx pH probe, I've been put onto... yes, MORE PPIs for reflux. This is the last thing I want in the world; I need a CURE not a mask! Put it this way. I want to run, eat, drink and sleep again like a NORMAL PERSON, and I can't go for my dream job in animal care like this because I can't bend/heavy lift/run around. I can't go a whole lifetime like this.
Despite the evidence saying I may have a chronic disease, and despite the horrible outlook, is there ANYTHING at all that says I might be free of this without medication/lifestyle changes? Is there anything that says the answer could still be 100% stress? I'm not strong enough for such changes, and it pains me to see people binging on junk foods who may never have such a horrid condition in their lifetime. I can't work, play, excercise, eat, drink or sleep like a normal person right now, my quality of life is stupidly low. I have to watch everything I do to avoid more suffering. IT'S NOT NATURAL!!!!
Right now I get:
- Excessive post nasal drip/sinus headaches
- Ear/Nose pain/pressure
- Nausea lying on right side and shortly after standing up.
- Constant burping
- Lump in throat after burping
- And worst of all, a horrible FOUL taste in my throat and nose, like a cross between baked beans and overipe melon.
The mucus makes it hard to swallow, and so far the PPIs/Gaviscon Advance/Alkaline Water/Diet changes don't help. So... I'm 22. Assuming I somehow choose to live a full life, I can expect to live maybe 60+ more years in pain, which will only get worse as I age. No wonder I'm looking for the right to end my suffering so fervently. I wouldn't wish reflux on the worst man alive... so what did I do to deserve it?
Post Edited (Daxter) : 4/14/2014 5:14:32 AM (GMT-6)