I've been doing pretty good the last couple days. I think I am giving myself migraine. I did this once before back in 2005 when I first had anxiety. So now I have a headache, and migraine sypmtoms..aura,,etc. I had been keeping myself rather calm lately. it's aggrevating me to no end today. I am still trying to keep myself calm and work it out. I was fine all day at work, and I started going home, and got some anxiety. I think It's because of the route I have to take, because the highway is closed at one part for the bridge. Not sure if it's just I don't have control, and going the same route..I don't mind change sometimes, but I think it could be that I had to change to driving down an unfamiliar way. Just needed to vent, I guess. I just get this way sometimes..and I had such a good weekend too..ughhh I was even listening to my C.D.'s..
Thanks for listening..