Alright so this is going to be semi long....was going to be longer but I choose against making an overly td;dr post. You have been warned. Also FYI I' m currently 21 years old and a male.
Alrightly so recently my "new disease" I'm going to"have" for the next few weeks appears to be ALS/MS/Lyme Disease/All In My Head Disease(Always Popular)
So let me get started....I have severe anxiety and random bouts of depression, and I used to have OCD but my anxiety kinda disowned my OCD. TBH I would rather have my OCD back....anxiety sucks. I'm making this post in part to poke fun at how my anxiety has changed over the past few years and how I believe it started.Tracing back a number of years it started with OCD and Social Anxiety in high school. I had some friends but was quick to not talk to pretty girls in my all started cause of pretty girls....go figure.
I had an obsession with wanting to look good all the time around pretty girls. You see I was very heavy when I was 13-14 and lost a ton of weight at 15 doing alot of cardio and drinking green tea....I was much happier then...needless to say. I became very, very, very skinny. I looked good and I was happy for a while, but not going to go into detail but things got stressful. I became very, very antisocial like I was as a kid. To the point where I now have blankets over my windows to block out the sunlight cause I used to few as though bright light brought out my acne(which is no gone, but I've lost most of the hair on the top of my head, mostly from genetics and worry most likely).
Anyway fast forwarding I'm gonna compile a list of diseases and ailments I have thought I'd had thus far.
The first was my heart palpitations and panic attacks....I still remember the first one. I mentioned my heart palpitations to my father(I get a sudden stop in rhythm than a hard beat, more on this later) and he mentioned in could be caffeine induced anxiety. I used to consume and unruly amount of caffeine and this made me reconsider. However after 4 days I decided to have a cup of green tea(20mg-45mg of caffeine, depends) anyway after I drank half the cup my heart started racing violently....and rapidly. I had to laydown o my bed and talk myself out of giving myself a heart attack for about
an hour.
Second panic attack was a bit funnier, I woke up one morning and since I was constantly paying attention to my heart I had a faster heart beat when I first stood up to pee. Midstream the best sped up and a freaked out, I had static sound in my ears(this has not happened since) and I could feel my heart beating ninity miles a minute.....skipping every few beats...until eventually I felt my heart had stopped(couldn't feel the pulse under my hand) and I felt extremely light headed. I flipped out and started jumping up and down(lol my heart stopped but I can still jump) and my pulse came back to normal.
The panic attacks...aside from the occasional I cannot take a deep breath and can't breath panics have mostly gone away and this is no longer my issue. My new anxiety problem's involve health anxiety and thinking I have certain diseases and viruses.
Master List of Previous Diseases and Viruses and Concerns:
-Testicular Cancer(3 Weeks)(my left nut hurt for a few yeah instant cancer concern)(this was about
a year ago)
-Hyperthyroidism and graves disease(thought my eyeballs were going to bulge out of my head, 2 Weeks)
-Thought I was gonna be fired from my job 3 months in and again at 9 months in(been working there for almost 2 years now)
-Thought I had marfans syndrome(2 months of worry) and my aortic valve was gonna tear and I was gonna die....randomly....mostly cause I have the wrist and thumb sign....I'm skinny.....and have slight myopia.
-Ate a piece of bread that MAY have been bad....thought it tasted/smelled of "paint thinner" ate it anyway....felt "funny" probably due to anxiety...then I fainted due to a panic attack.
-Thought the power was gonna surge and I was gonna a loose my hard drive space so I backed all my data up on 4 separate drives and 1 external drive and made sure the back ups were safe and unplugged....back up about
every week.
-Thought I had a mitirial valve prolapse....had 2 ekg's done both while I had violent heart palps...came back totally clean.....then had none again for a month
-MASSIVE social anxiety and I cannot drive for fear of driving wrong(not following rules of road and getting into dumb accidents)
-Bacterial Meningitis....LOL.....this one I thought I had cause we had left the trash outside for over 2 weeks while tons of rain got into the barrels which weighed the bags down and I had to rebag it......the stench was awful and a drop got into my mouth.....because I drop got in my mouth I panicked myself into thinking I had this. Never had a headache or neckpain(I've had a slight ache recently though), or the other symptoms other than brain fog, as I never threw up(have not in many years) nor did I have the increased sensitivity to light or flu like symptoms, but still panicked until I was in the "safe zone" which was 3 days after the drop hit my mouth. dad is diabetic...I'm very skinny and move around a bit.....yeah lol
-Brain tumor....has no symptoms, but if and whenever I got a headache....immediately thought I had one.
I guess that is all I will list for now. lol there's a few more good ones though can't think of them right now, as I'm too worked up over my newest "probelm".
CURRENT ISSUES PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS PLZ TY <3<3:Can Anxiety/Stress/Depression combined with Hay Fever Cause This:
Okay so this is my question.....about
two & 1/2 weeks ago I was hit with a huge surge of anxiety and depression over some life issues that really weren't a big deal. To the point of self harm....seeing as how I feel as though I can no longer swallow pills because I'm afraid I'll choke. Mind you guys I wasn't actually suicidal....just being a drama queen in my head as always, and I'm no longer suicidal so this isn't an issue and I normally massive anxiety/mania and almost am never depressed, when I'm not anxious I'm extremely happy.
Anyway lol to the real question....after this dramatic wave of anxiety/stress/depression I found myself in a massive brain fog along with my allergies(maybe my allergies caused it) which I haven't had allergy problems in years. So on top of this brain fog I had fasciculations(in my right hand and prior to this about
two weeks ago I had fasciculations(muscle twitchs) in my chest near my heart and though it was my heart at first lol(you can imagine how that went over....spent a while feeling my pulse to make sure), and also pretty bad/werid insomnia....I couldn't sleep, and even if I sleep 8+ hours I still feel fatigued/brain fog/tired all day.
Anyway the brain fog and fasciculations were crazy.....then I had pain in my right arm(same arm as fasciculations) this is also probably due to my new mouse that I just got....since the way I rest my hand it caused pain in my day I had it like that for 16 hours or so....maybe I pinched a nerve????
Anyway the brain fog and faciculations and chronic fatigue/sleepiness even while rested, and neck pain in back of my neck(very slight and only hurts sometimes) led me to think I had ALS then I read that fasciculations in ALS occur after nerves have died and that I would have weakness(which I do not). So I moved onto MS which I have a one or two other symptoms for, namely frequent urination, and dizziness(happened recently with the anxiety and stress) and insomnia(I couldn't sleep much the past week or so). I also last night while I was sleeping face this weird numbness in the back of my when you sleep on your arm numbness.....and when I turned my head I heard multiple cracking/popping sounds....freaked me out.
OH I also get random stinging pain in my head and right inner ear....but it's happened about
4 times in the past few happens at once in a instant then is gone completely. Also have a vibrating feeling inside my chest to the right side under the breast bone......idk what the hell that is found these links here that made me feel better about
it -
My question is could the above be caused by my anxiety and stress or could I have MS?
Post Edited By Moderator (Scaredy Cat) : 5/14/2014 10:02:20 PM (GMT-6)