Thank you, both of you, KItt and Merida...
I really enjoyed the link...and I love the example of "Do Not Think of That Pink Elephant."
Part of my problem that leads to this experience is that I need to do more of what you were talking about
, Merida...I need to FORCE myself to get OUT more!...
I think I am going through an 'aging crisis'...but "I" am the one that is doing it and is responsible, I know. I am dwelling on 'the numbers' and that is NOT the way to go... Never thought I would do this...but we learn eventually to judge NO one...truly...
I heard a quote...I think it was by Wayne Dyer: "Just start doing it...the motivation will follow" .... and I KNOW this is true...My problem is sitting around waiting for inspiration or motivation instead of Just Do It!! ...
I still feel crappy off and on...gonna increase my B vitamins, I know this helps...especially B12 and Folic Acid... and 'exercise' has become something foreign to me
and yes, this, too, needs FORCING... I suppose I should say 'encouraging'...but I need to be a bit more of a drill seargant with myself!
Well, that's it for now. Thank you both again.