Hi Stevie and welcome!
I am sorry to hear of all you are currently going through! Know that you are not alone in this, and that we understand.
Morning anxiety and attacks can often be attributed to Cortisol, as stress hormone. It is at its peak in our bodies in the a.m. to allow us to get up and moving after hours of inactivity while sleeping.
Without it, we would not be able to get out of bed...but too much of it (or a sensitivity to it) and we have increased anxiety/panic.
Just knowing this, and using my coping skills in the morning before starting my day helped me with this issues a lot.
I agree that you should see your doctor for an official diagnoses of A/P, and then see about your treatment options.
Are you still currently on an A/D medication? Have you tried any self-help or therapy thus far for anxiety? There are a lot of ways to go about managing your anxiety, so have hope.:)
Here are some suggested stress relief exercises from our Resources. (see the main page 1st post for more great material)
Self Help sites with breathing/relaxation exercises instructions
Panic attack relief exercises:
They can reduce both anxiety levels and symptoms if practiced daily. Give them a try and see how you feel.
Keep posting with us as well. We understand, care and are here to support you anytime!
Talk to you soon,
Scaredy Cat