Posted 7/27/2014 2:27 PM (GMT 0)
Hi everybody !!!!! the battle goes on ...well in august it will be 2 years since all this stared for me , i remember the day this all started and i havent been the same since .... its been a longggggggggggggggggg fight ....... and just to add while i was going through all this , my son was dx with leukemia ..... lost of home it was horrible ......!!!!
but i give God glory , my son it well and healed , we have a home , and everything is fine ,,,,,
so why wont my anxiety go away forever .... if it not my chest , its the headaches , if not one of them , its the racing thoughts , or the mind playing games , or other parts of my body , its like i find things on my body , then i worry about them and end up at some specialist and they do all these test and nothing is wrong .......
in the past almost two years i know every doc at the er , i go to my doc every two weeks , i had 100000x everything from , cardiac cath for the chest pain , egd for the stomach , ent for ears , nose and throat , neuro for mri , eeg and ct scan , plus many more and tons of bloodwork and testing !!!!!! i see a theripst i just found a good one after all this time , i had to get threw the bad to get to the good , i see a good psych doc , but the meds i just cant get right , i have been on wellbutrin , klonopin , ativan , zoloft , xanaxx , cant stay on anything longer then a week , oh and lexapro sent me to er and so did celexa ,....but on june 28th to july 20th i was just on zoloft 25mg made me feel funny , i really tired to stay with it this time , i stopped it for 3 days and i felt good , then back to myself , im a lot better from when this all first started not house bound like i was .....
i have done everything , natural stuff , prayer , meds , etc ...... i just want to live ........
last few weeks my head has been hurting so bad , went back to neuro doc she gave me imatrx and northtripline i may be spelling both wrong , ..... but she says they will help with the anxiety and the headaches , since i stopped the zoloft .....
i feel off balance , head hurts , chest aches and stomach aches on and off , anxiety , tingling in toes and fingers , and now under my chin in my throat area i feel this little lump/bump , but my friend says we all have that , when i touch it it feels like it hurt a little , he says its all in my mind we all have that its on my left side feels like a little ball .... uhhhhhh now i worried about that and will be calling the specialist ent , tomorrow to get checked out never fails always something ....
my thing is before this i was 100% , no doc , in good health , went to gym , eat very healthy why do i feel like something stuck in my chest or im going to pass out , or my head will explode , im so over this !!!!!!
please God help us all , please touch our bodies and heal us .... may god bless us all .....