Hi everyone , uhhhhhh what a day !!!!!!!! so last night my son woke me up @ 4am in the morning saying he was not feeling well and that his fever was up because he is in remission from his cancer , we have to go to the er , so i called the hospital and they told us to come in , he had chemo and an lp procedure on monday , so they checked him out and gave him meds to get his fever down , he was ok ..... my headaches still bothering me so i finally went to the er and the head doc , who i know from going so much was there and she ran my blood work , gave me some ativan , through IV and she wanted to give me decagrone ??? i may be spelling it wrong its a steriod ? and ratlin as well ... spelling it wrong again , but it gives you like a hot pants feelings ...... funny thing is i hate mixing meds , so i just got the ativan , she did a ekg as well , for the slight chest aches , ....everything all good ...... and my headache went away ???? from ativan ... ??? i had 1mg through iv ..... i still feel funny but my head feels better then what it was ..... she is also sending me to a headache specialist ....... uhhhhhhhh