Hi All,
I have come across these boards whilst trying to find some sort of group support that understands. I am a 43yr old single mother of a 6yr old child. The only person I have close by is my Mum who is displaying short term memory loss and I have been supporting her through her problems which has been overwhelming. I have a few friends that are great but you know I always think you don't want to ask too much of people as they have their own issues to attend to.
Anyway long story short I had major depression in my twenties and completely broke down after years and years of suffering anxiety panic depression I finally hit bottom and lost everything....my job, my relationship, my home....ended up moving back to Mums getting help finally when I couldn't function at all and after some false start meds eventually Effexor became my hero....I eventually recovered fully and although there has been some lows here and there for the most part I have been pretty good for last 17yrs....I definitely had no anxiety or panic attacks during that time....just a bit of depression here and there.
Now fast forward to the last few weeks and OMG....I know I've been under stress for a long time but thought I was managing ok and wham all of sudden massive unending waves of anxiety and of course usually ended in panic. Every thought seemed to produce anxiety...even my BP has shot through the roof.
I have always taken between 75mgs and 150mgs Effexor.....at the time this started I was on 112.5mgs, so we put it back up to 150mgs.....the anxiety retreated mostly with the odd breakthrough.....but them wham again......full on disabling anxiety again...arrrghhhh!! Anyway back to the docs she has raised the dose to 187.5mgs and added a beta blocker to help my BP and racing heart....that was only 3 days ago so I've just been resting as much as possible and waiting to see what happens from here....I feel so scared....I'm so scared that I will get so sick and what happens then to my child, my mum....im in the middle of studying.....I know this story too well and know how it turns life upside down.
Anyway like it or not this is where I'm at and hoping sharing and talking with others will help.